Beautiful decorative elements can be made from unusual materials. For example, eggshells, a plastic bucket, or pieces of sewer construction pipes. Believe it or not, these nondescript objects make real works of art. The main thing is to connect your imagination and not be afraid to try to do something new. Novate.ru offers some cool ideas that even a beginner can handle.
Textured decor for the bedroom with sunny motives
A light wood frame, natural fabrics, pleasant textures and a touch of greenery are the perfect combination. Ideal for bedroom – embroidery on pillows and duvet, woven floor pillow, faux fur rug, wood floor and cozy bedding. A simple palette makes this bedroom simple and chic – a combination that will stand the test of time.
Cozy rustic bedroom
If you are looking for ideas for your room with a natural theme, then pressed leaves are an ingenious solution. They are affordable and look chic. All you need is a thin frame, a large sheet, and a white background.
Nature is everywhere in this design, from a rustic bed with wooden platforms to a small amount of leafy plants on a shelf, a woven jute rug and a basket of leaves.
Amazing bouquet of cotton flowers
Who said bouquets should be made of flowers? A bunch of cotton flowering stems are a great alternative that won’t wilt. Simple mahogany and white stems are modern and minimalistic, making them perfect when paired with a simple glass vase. This simple, elegant solution will add natural elegance to almost any decor style.
Amazingly easy pine cone home decor
All you need for this nature-inspired door decor is a few pine cones and some hemp. Tie ropes to pine cones and fasten them at different distances to get a good position. Tie the ends of the ropes together at the top and hang your creation on the door. Decorator’s tip: Add essential oil or cinnamon spray to make them aromatic.
Beautiful simplicity – dark wood bed and wreath
This arrangement of elements is truly a work of art. It’s good to remember that you don’t need a lot of things to achieve great home design. In the bedroom, a solid wood headboard and footrest give the room a rich color and structure. Linens and items such as lamps and display cases are all white. This makes the room open and spacious. A single, simple, asymmetrical wreath with eucalyptus leaves is the proverbial “cherry on top” of this beautiful composition.
Natural wood and lace shelf
You know about static and floating shelves, but they are great alternatives to both. These shelves hang like a piece of art. As a result, they take up space as a wall hanging. Natural wood is suspended on a black cord from an elegant silver ring. Arrange books, pottery, potted plants, or whatever you love on these shelves. The black, wood and silver designs blend beautifully with the rest of your natural decor.
If you want to start small, try hanging on the wall or adding natural textiles to your home. If you want to make full use of the natural décor of your home, then you can start with the rug and move on to the fixtures, trying to use natural materials and colors in everything from floor to ceiling.
Indoor fountain made from scrap materials
Decor items are a special element of the furnishings, with which it becomes cozier and more beautiful. They give particular pleasure when non-standard, rare solutions are used. A hand-made indoor fountain just like that. It looks very impressive, but at the same time it is quite inexpensive. You can make it from the available tools at hand. The fountain will operate with a closed water cycle. To ensure a pleasant sound for its flow, we recommend using sea stones, sand or other decorative elements. To create a decorative fountain, you need a small list of items:
• silicone pipes;
• reservoir for water drainage and storage;
• a pump of a suitable size;
• decorations according to individual taste;
• waterproof glue.
Especially responsibly you need to approach the choice of the pump. To begin with, it is important to determine to what level the water will rise, and therefore roughly plan the height of the structure. A perfect pump for filtering water, which is used in aquariums, or another pump with a regulator and increased power.
The creation of a fountain begins with the preparation of the reservoir. It should be roomy: so that water can fit, and there is free space for decorations. The depth of the tank must be greater than the size of the pump for it to be completely submerged. Two ceramic pots can be used as a simple and affordable base. It is good if they are of different sizes to ensure a beautiful flow of water. Additionally, several side cuts can be made in the bowls. All structural elements must be coated with a waterproof varnish. A pump is installed at the bottom of the tank, and a masking pot is placed on top. It is better to hide the pump tubes in tanks and bowls so as not to spoil the look of the structure. All elements are held together with strong glue. After that, the time comes for the creative part: the structure is decorated with artificial greenery, stones, shells, figurines, flowers and other decor as desired.
Junk bottle and eggshell vase
A simple glass bottle can be a decoration for a room. It can be converted into a vase using simple and affordable materials. To start with any glass bottle, for example, milk, wine or drink, you need to remove all stickers. Then we wash and wipe dry the future vase. After that, the bottle is covered with white acrylic paint. The most convenient way to do this is to use a sponge. After this paint has dried, we make two layers of gold paint, drying each separately. Then you need to grind the eggshell. We coat the neck of the bottle and its lower part with PVA glue, sprinkle with shells on top and let dry. After that, these places are re-coated with gold paint.
Now PVA construction glue is applied to the bottle. It must be dried with a hair dryer so that a film forms on the glass. Then we apply black acrylic paint on this film and also dry it with a hair dryer. This will provoke an unusual effect: the top layer of black paint will crack, and golden paint will appear in the veins. At this stage, the vase is almost ready: it needs to be covered with a universal varnish and allowed to dry.
Eco basket made of plastic bucket and tree bark
Natural materials and eco-sentiments are increasingly used in modern interiors. Bark of a tree will help to bring a little natural beauty and comfort to your home. From it and other materials at hand, you can create a beautiful basket for storing vegetables, things, cosmetics or bath accessories, decorating a gift set or installing a flower pot.
First, the bark is prepared, which in its length and size should correspond to the plastic bucket or basket to be decorated. If necessary, the bark should be washed and dried. Inside, the future eco-basket is lined with any textile material to taste. Hot glue from a gun is used to secure it. The outside of the basket is pasted over with the bark of a tree; it must be abundantly greased with glue to keep it well. It is easiest to place it vertically. Additionally, the product can be decorated with jute rope, flowers, cones, acorns or other natural elements.