Paving for patios and gardens can add a bit of color, texture, and even a pattern. There are a variety of materials for both flooring and garden paths and backyards. Here we will indicate the materials that you can choose and of course, we will show you ideas to inspire you even more in the transformation of your outdoor space.
Well, flooring materials are divided into two categories. In the first place there is the extracted stone such as slate and granite and in second place there is the composite material that includes precast concrete bricks and pavers. These are processed and molded while they are soft and then heated and allowed to dry completely.
Due to the large number of flooring materials that exist, you will have no problem choosing the one you prefer. Of course, each material has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the use and the location that you want to give them. But do not worry, we will indicate the characteristics of each of them so that you can make your choice much better.
Stone flooring
Stone is among the most popular and even luxurious flooring materials. It is very durable and versatile, it also offers a wide range of colors, shapes and sizes. They can be found from geometric blocks to create a formal and elegant patio to irregularly shaped slabs for garden paths.
Of course, the price can vary a lot, so it is something that you should also take into account. The stone may be a bit more expensive. When acquiring the stone for the pavement of your patio or garden paths, you must take into account the thickness.
In order for it to withstand heavy traffic and weather, its thickness should be at least two inches. If you love being barefoot in the outdoor area, try to avoid rounded cobblestones and also slabs that have polished finishes.
Since these are usually a bit hard on the ankles and also slippery when wet. On the contrary, you should choose stones that are flat. With a natural groove surface, with some grip and texture. Of course, we recommend that you go to the store so that you can verify the material, the color, even the color when it is wet.
Sandstone Pavement and Paths in Patios and Gardens
One of the most popular stone pavements for gardens and patios is sandstone. This type of stone is broadly resistant for any paving use. Of course, it is easier to cut and work than granite, which justifies it being a bit cheaper.
Sandstone can be found in various patterns and colors. Bluish gray and lilac gray are very common sandstone colors. But in the same way you can find light gray, tan, soft golden cream and orange brown.
Gravel Pavement and Paths in Patios and Gardens
Gravel is easy to install and has a beautiful texture, perfect for informal landscapes. It’s also a short-term, budget-conscious paving solution. But one downside to gravel is that it could become weedy and is a bit unstable to walk on. Of course, the weed problem can be solved by taking proper care of this material.
As for the problem with walking instability, you should choose the gravel labeled “1/4 inch less.” Avoid rounded and drooping pea gravel. They are, however, sharp, angular, and ungraded gravel will interlock as it settles. This will help create a firm surface that won’t spill, rip, or shift. With proper maintenance, gravel can last for a very long time.
Slate stone pavement and pathways in patios and gardens
Slate has a smooth texture and equally subtle colors, which attract a lot of attention. Its pastel blue-gray to muted reds and lavenders are really cute. Slate is easy to mold into partially flat pieces. But it is worth mentioning that, due to its ease of molding, its durability is limited as an outdoor flooring.
In regions where there are heavy rains or freeze-thaw cycles, the slate could peel off and chip. So slate works much better in slightly more sheltered spaces or in regions with limited rainfall and temperate climates.
Tough and Durable Granite Flooring
No material could beat granite in durability. Granite flooring is very elegant and formal for outdoor spaces. They can usually be found in cubes or brick-shaped pieces and also as slabs of uniform size.
Granite has a much wider color gamut than all cobblestones. Colors such as light to dark gray to blue-gray, tan, brown. Also honey yellow, green, orange, pink and red, with or without visible spots and blemishes. In reality the options are almost endless.
It is worth mentioning that it is an expensive material, due to how difficult it is to extract and work it. Although, what some experts do is use colorful granite sets just to accent a cheaper pavement, either by inserting patterns or as decorative borders.
Limestone Pavement and Paths in Patios and Gardens
Limestone has a fine texture, so it takes on a characteristic velvety finish when cut for pavement. Its fine grain makes cutting much easier to cut into various shapes. The color gamut is a little less than granite and sandstone but is much more uniform than the two materials mentioned. The most common colors to find are dark gray, blue-gray, pale gray, cream, and tan.
Depending on the region or country it is much easier to find and that will also cause its price to vary. It should be mentioned that, due to the chemical composition of limestone, it is susceptible to damage by acid rain, causing significant wear over time. But you really don’t have to worry unless you live in a region where acid rains exist.
Composite materials for paving and paths in patios and gardens
Composite materials for paving can provide much more flexibility and of course with more affordable prices than quarried stone. They are also much easier to install than quarried stone, because they are already molded and to their established dimensions.
One of them is poured concrete, which can take forms that would be impossible to create in stone. Like quarried stone, composites have a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns. We advise you to consider the colors and style of the plants that you have in your garden or the structure of your patio before buying any material.
You could borrow or buy only a minimal amount of the paving material and place it in your garden or patio and see more or less what it would look like. Observe it even both with natural light and with the outdoor lighting you have.
You should make sure that you really like it and match perfectly with your house, the walls of your garden and even with the style of your plants and patio real estate. Keep in mind that flooring can not only be expensive to install. But it can also last a very long time, depending on the material you choose.
Concrete Pavers
Some time ago, concrete pavers were frowned upon by designers due to incompetent attempts to simulate brick or stone. But today, cast concrete pavers are widely recognized for their high quality.
Precast concrete pavers can perfectly give much more texture and colors than any other material. It achieves this either with its genuine concrete nature or disguised as stones or bricks. Concrete pavers can also be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, all of which hold up very well over time.
Poured Concrete Pavement and Paths in Patios and Gardens
Poured concrete or concrete is one of the hardest and most permanent pavement options and also one of the most flexible. As we mentioned earlier, concrete. or concrete, it can take almost any imaginable shape. Its appearance may also depend on the choice of aggregate and pigments.