Christmas is getting closer every day, and one way to spend the mornings or afternoons free at home while we wait for the arrival of the big day is doing crafts with the children, which will help us to enjoy this time more and strengthen the bond with our friends. children. So to continue the Christmas spirit and at the same time have a fun time as a family, we share 27 ideas of Christmas crafts that you can do with children.
Christmas decoration with an advent calendar
This Balla idea is very beautiful, and it is not only a game for them, but also serves as a Christmas decoration, for the Nativity scene or to put anywhere in the home. You only need some boxes, some toy reindeer, strings, and some tweezers to put the numbers. In each box, there is a surprise, which you can unwrap depending on the day. Come on, they are going to love these toys and they will have a great time looking for a gift every day.
The most classic Christmas decoration renovated
Here we have a small selection of Christmas trees and a DIY Nativity scene that you are going to love. If you have tired of always putting the same thing at home, the same tree with lights and colored balls, which no longer tells you anything, give it all a twist and reinvent it. Doing new and creative things is another way to bring out our inner child, and the little ones will love helping you get the materials and assemble everything. What do you think of that Christmas tree made with balloons and garlands? It’s the happiest thing we’ve ever seen. The whole family will be infected with the festive and joyful atmosphere that it exudes, and it has nothing to do with the usual.
Gather all the corks from the bottles you use at home because you will no longer have to spend anything else on the Nativity scene. This idea is super fun, and you can teach children to create characters with a few simple corks. Surely this craft for children will seem very funny and entertaining. So, let’s get to work, with a few corks, the Bethlehem was put together!
On many occasions, we tell you about the great printable resources that can be found online. Well, here you have some trees to hang wherever you want. They do not take much work, and you can get help from the children since they are super easy.
This idea has a childish touch that is adorable. Today you can see many Christmas trees on the wall itself, made with boards or even painted. This one is done with multiple boards, it’s that easy. And then what you include in the rest of the tree is up to you and your little ones. Felt crafts, a toy, or an ornament that they especially like.
Children’s corner with Christmas decoration
We love this very dynamic idea for the children’s table. A branch with a lot of toys and decorative objects hanging from it. They will not tire of playing, and on the table, they also have other colorful details, such as trees or birdhouses.
You can add new things to the typical center of every year. Ask them what you can do to make them more attractive. In this one that we show you are not only the candles but also those artificial mushrooms that give it a lot of colors.
Christmas decoration with Vinyl
The decorative vinyl is super cool, and today there is so much variety that surely you already have some for Christmas. It’s such an easy decoration that even the laziest will sign up to wear them this holiday season. The one with little trees is very beautiful and can be left after Christmas.
This simple vinyl is used to personalize any detail with a Christmas touch. These little ideas are great and trending, so don’t hesitate to browse through the coolest children’s and Christmas vinyl.
Christmas decoration with pineapples
We already showed you a lot of decorations and crafts with pinecones, and here is another little idea for the table. Aren’t they the best Christmas tablecloth holders?
Small trees with popsicle sticks
One of the most used materials in crafts with children is the pole sticks, and we can make Christmas trees with them to later decorate them as we like best.
Garland with pasta
Making a garland with pasta and a little paint is the craft and we could even use it for the cover of a Christmas card.
Little gingerbread men with paper tube
A classic and tender element of the Christmas season is the Galician gingerbread men. We can also make some very nice ones, using the toilet paper tube.
Santa Claus in the shape of his hands
In our list, we cannot miss crafts of the most iconic Christmas character, in which the little ones can make the shape of Santa’s white beard with the shape of their little hands.
A Christmas tree with the hands of the whole family
Another craft that we can do using the shape of the hands is this Christmas tree in which the whole family can participate to make the “branches” of different sizes.
Dancing elves with newspaper
We can download a template to make this fun newspaper craft: a dancing elf.
Cinnamon tree
In addition to being a craft that looks pretty as a decoration, this little tree made with cinnamon gives us a nice smell.
Christmas decorations with puzzle pieces
If we have some puzzle pieces at home that we no longer use, we can use them to make some Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree.
Reindeer with paper tube
Another “recyclable” craft is this one of some curious reindeer made with the toilet paper tube.
A little tree with string and cardboard
A craft that in addition to being fun can help children exercise their fine motor skills to make some Christmas steps made with cardboard and thread.
Garland with tissue paper
How about a garland to decorate the house? We have seen this very cute and easy to make using tissue paper.
Jumping elves
A very fun craft: some elves with jumping legs!
Hanging paper tree
We can make this hanging Christmas tree, starting from a paper plate and adding decorations with colored paper and a little thread.
Christmas elements with popsicle sticks
Another craft that we can do with the popsicle sticks is the Christmas elements. Adding other materials such as paint, Eva rubber, and cotton, we can create a Santa Claus, a snowman, or a Christmas tree.
Stamp for wrapping paper
Now, if we want to wrap the Christmas gifts in a very original way, we can resort to the option like we can make a stamp to print it manually on smooth paper. Right here you can download a template to make a star, tree, and Christmas ball stamps, among others.
Reindeer gift tags
Finally, and to give the final touch to our Christmas gifts, this beautiful Christmas craft of gift tags in the shape of a reindeer.