There are several reasons why you should grow and have aromatic herbs in your kitchen. These versatile herbs don’t just add great flavor to foods. But they also offer delicious fragrances and fresh greenery to your kitchen. Aromatic herbs are usually a bit expensive compared to growing them yourself in the comfort of your kitchen.
If you live in a region where the winter season is not so strong, then you can have a mini garden of aromatic herbs in your kitchen throughout the year. It’s actually not difficult to create your little herb garden in your kitchen. Most aromatic herbs grow and thrive indoors.
Of course, like any plant, they have basic needs that must be provided for them. Such as sufficient light, among other things. In grow stores like the line, you can find various aromatic herb kits. These kits include the seeds, the soil and even the pot to grow them.
However, we must mention that it is much easier and faster to start by acquiring a handful of the herbs you want and transplanting them. Before starting your little herb garden in your kitchen, you should think about how many plants you will need.
Herbs such as parsley, coriander, or basil are generally used in large quantities compared to herbs such as bay leaf or rosemary. Perhaps of these last two, one plant of each could be enough. While parsley, coriander or basil need more than one plant. Of course, consumption already depends on each family.
Small vegetable garden of aromatic herbs in the kitchen
Of course, well-cared for plants will produce a healthier harvest. But you need to provide your little herb garden with the basic care for it to thrive in your kitchen. Plants will need light, water, and nutrients occasionally. Actually, these cares are very easy but also very important.
Keep in mind that if you expose the herbs you are growing to inadequate light or if you water them with too much water, they will be more prone to contracting pests such as mites or aphids. So, by giving them the necessary care they will grow healthy and you will take advantage of their delicious aromas and flavors.
We mentioned earlier that growing and making your little herb garden in your kitchen was not difficult. Actually, it is, but you may have a problem with the lack of natural light in your kitchen. Herbs need a lot of light to stimulate healthy growth.
When you go to grow your small garden in your kitchen, be sure to place them in a window where the sunlight is the most. If you don’t have a good spot, then you can use grow lights. Of course that also depends on the space you have.
Mini Aromatic Herb Garden with Grow Light
Since these lights can be a great thing for your little aromatic garden in the kitchen. Although if you have your herbs on the counter or in a small corner, you could get a slightly more compact grow light system.
Or you can also configure a spotlight equipped with a simple, inexpensive and uncomplicated incandescent bulb. When it comes to watering, remember not to overdo it. Since you can kill your plants. Most herbs, like basil or rosemary, need well-drained soil to grow healthily.
So you should make sure to plant your herbs in pots with drainage. Taking advantage of the fact that we have mentioned the pots, we want to indicate that the ones you are going to use should fit your plants well. The pot should be about an inch larger than the size of the brush.
As we have already mentioned, herbs also need a monthly dose of fertilizer to encourage their fresh and healthy growth. You can use liquid or granular fertilizers. But it is much better to abstain from organic produce when growing edible plants. Whatever fertilizer you are going to use, remember to read the instructions on the package before using it.
The most popular aromatic herbs to grow in the kitchen Basil
This is one of the most popular aromatic herbs, due to the flavor it adds to meals. It’s easy to grow, but to grow well indoors, you need to give it plenty of natural light or growing light.Parsley – Parsley is very easy to grow indoors, and unlike basil, it appreciates high humidity, so place it in water whenever you feel its soil dry with your hand.
Chives are the easiest herb to grow and have a mild onion flavor that adds flavor to all foods. Growing chives from seed is a very slow process. So it is best to start with a pot of already developed chives.
Coriander is an herb that adds intense flavor to Asian and Indian dishes, among others. Starting from the seed, its growth is relatively fast. But you can also find transplants for a faster harvest, although it is not a long-lasting herb.
Rosemary is a Mediterranean herb with a strong, fresh aroma. It needs a lot of sun, if grown in insufficient light, rosemary will grow slowly and poorly.
Oregano is also very easy to grow. But it is slow to grow from seed. So, it is preferable that you look for healthy seedlings in your market or grow store. It is also drought tolerant so let the soil dry to the touch between waterings.
Recommendations for Herb Harvesting
Never remove more than a third of the plant at a time. Herbs like basil and coriander will produce flower buds, but these must be cut back. Remember that you will consume the foliage, but not the flowers. Simply cut the buds with scissors or pinch with your fingers. Whenever you need, ask for the help of an expert if you have any questions and start creating your little garden of aromatic herbs in your kitchen.