The decoration with bamboo is certainly very versatile that fits into any interior style. Bamboo is a different plant, full of symbolism and very beautiful. Similarly, bamboo can be grown indoors. It is worth mentioning that bamboo has its origin in Africa. But it has gained great popularity in the East, especially within the Chinese technique of Feng Shui. In this practice, the lucky bamboo plant has a high spiritual value. And each number of stems is assigned a different meaning. For example, a lucky bamboo with two stems means luck in love. Three stems is synonymous with wealth, longevity and happiness. Five stems symbolize creativity and enthusiasm and thus it advances with other meanings.
Bamboo decoration full of symbolism
Of course, there are several varieties of bamboo. But the most popular is the lucky bamboo plant. Lucky bamboo is a household plant known for enhancing feng shui. Well, as we mentioned, the symbolism of the lucky bamboo is linked to the number of stems it has. Two stems represent love, three stems represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth) and Soh (long life). Five stalks represent the areas of life that impact wealth. Six stalks represent good luck and wealth. Seven stems represent good health, eight stems represent growth.
Nine stems represent great luck, ten stems represent perfection, and twenty-one stems represent powerful blessing. It is worth mentioning that, you will not see an arrangement or decoration with traditional lucky bamboo with four stems. This is because in Chinese culture, the word “four” is close to the word “death.” So a bamboo decoration or a gift arrangement with four stems is considered very rude. Since it is as if bad luck is being called. Feng Shui also attributes other special meanings to lucky bamboo. They say that this plant attracts good energy, prosperity and, of course, good luck.
How to grow lucky bamboo indoors
Today this beautiful plant can be seen in homes, offices, desks, and businesses. Lucky bamboo plants are said to bring good luck and fortune to those who own them. Especially if the plants are gifted. Of course, the lucky bamboo plant has a well-earned reputation as almost indestructible. Its tough stems can survive in vases of pure water or in earthen containers, and in a wide variety of light conditions.
Even a poorly cared for lucky bamboo plant will still live for a long time. You already know that this plant is originally from Africa. But the vast majority of bamboo plants are now shipped from Taiwan or China. Where professional growers braid, twist and curl the stems in various ways. They are seldom replanted by home gardeners. But you can buy a young lucky bamboo plant, and nurture it as it slowly grows to new heights, rather than planting and harvesting it.
Lucky bamboo care
There are certainly some growing conditions that your lucky bamboo needs to be healthy. Basically, it’s important to consider light, water, potting soil, fertilizer, and temperature. Lucky bamboo plants can also be purchased in a variety of eye-catching shapes and swirls. Of course, if you feel creative, you could also try creating the shapes yourself, however you need to know that this can take a lot of time and also patience. Well, when it comes to light, lucky bamboo prefers bright but filtered sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves of the plant. In fact, they are more tolerant of very little light than a lot of light. However, if you notice that the plant begins to stretch or the green is fading, provide more light.
Decorating with
Bamboo in Soil or Water Lucky bamboo can be grown in rich, well-drained potting soil. The soil should be kept moist, but be sure not to soak it up. Of course, lucky bamboo can also thrive very well when placed on pebbles or simply in a vase filled with water. It should be mentioned that lucky bamboo is very sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals commonly found in tap water. This is why it is recommended that you consider watering your lucky bamboo with only bottled or distilled water.
Although yes, you still want to use tap water, you can leave it out for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Most people are amazed by the following. The healthy roots of lucky bamboo are red, so don’t be surprised if you see these red roots through a glass vase that you chose for your bamboo decoration. If you want to have your bamboos in a vase with water, then make sure to change the water weekly to avoid disease in the plant.
Temperature, humidity and fertilizer
Lucky bamboo plants prefer warmer temperatures, which range between 18 and 32 degrees Celsius. When you decide on a decoration with bamboo, try to choose a place inside your home avoiding placing it anywhere with a draft, be it cold or hot. Even try not to place it in front of an air conditioner, heating duct, or next to a drafty window. Average humidity is fine for your lucky bamboo plant. A single drop of liquid fertilizer each month is sufficient for most bamboo arrangements, and plants that grow in water will only need to be fed every two months or so, using a very weak liquid fertilizer.
Common Pests and Diseases
The most common problems associated with lucky bamboo are often related to water. As we already mentioned, chlorinated water will kill them over time. Likewise, dirty or bacteria-infected water can be deadly for these plants. We also mention that the roots of the lucky bamboo are red. Therefore, if the plant develops black roots, these will have to be cut. You should also make sure to never let the dead leaves rot in the water, as they can also grow bacteria. If you have your lucky bamboo in a glass vase and you notice algae growing in the water, it is because light can penetrate and encourages algae growth. You just have to clean it and put your bamboo back in the glass container. Now if you notice that algae is a persistent problem then try changing your bamboo to a slightly more opaque container.
Observe its leaves
Leaves that are yellow usually indicate too much sun or too much fertilizer. So cut off the fertilizer and move the plant to a shady spot. Brown leaves usually indicate dry air or polluted water. So you can increase the humidity level by spraying the plant regularly and making sure to use the water without chlorine. Now if the stems start to rot or become mushy, it is very likely that they cannot be saved. Decaying stalks undoubtedly threaten any other stalk they are close to. So you better remove them immediately. It should be mentioned that lucky bamboo is susceptible to the same insect problems as other indoor plants. So they can be treated manually, eliminating insects, or with the same methods that you would use in any other plant in your home.
Shape Your Lucky Bamboo
As you’ve seen, lucky bamboo decorations can have an intricate appearance. Although of course it cannot be compared to the shape of a bonsai which is made with plant wire and a smart cut. Well, bamboos are formed by turning the stems of the plant in front of a light source. What makes the plant grow naturally towards the light. Of course, we have to mention that at home, this is a laborious process. But it can be achieved by placing the plants under a three-sided box and paying close attention to their growth rate, rotating the plant slowly and regularly.
You will certainly have to be very patient, as it can take a long time to get it right. However, keep in mind that trimming is an important part of keeping your lucky bamboo healthy. Over time, most plants will become heavy on top or complex shapes will start to lose their shape. So generally, cutting the main stem of the lucky bamboo is not recommended. Rather, it is preferable that you cut the branches with sterile scissors. You can trim them from an inch to two inches from the main stem. This will make new shoots appear very soon and the plant will be more leafy.
Bamboo Pots and Transplants
When you want a bamboo decoration using a small nursery plant to start with, choose a container that is at least 12 inches wide and deep. You can choose a container made of a heavy material. This will serve to anchor the weight of the bamboo poles. You can even add some rocks or gravel to the bottom of the container, if you feel that it is not strong enough to anchor the weight of the plant. Of course you should also make sure that the container has wide holes for drainage.
Place the root ball in the pot and fill it around with a loose, nutrient-rich potting mix. If you want, you can also mix in some compost at that time. This will help stimulate the growth of the bamboo, and then water well. You may need to move your bamboo to a larger pot every one to two years once the roots have spread throughout the pot and you see them coming out of the holes at the bottom or sticking out of the soil at the top.
Choose a container of the right size
Whatever bamboo decoration you want, you should not leave your plant in a very small pot for too long. Since you will not be able to get enough nutrients to stay healthy. Generally, a houseplant will do well if transplanted at any time of the year. But by the time the growing season starts in the spring, which is when the plant is accelerating its growth, this is usually the best time to transplant.
It is important that if your lucky bamboo grew in a pebble pot, you must carefully remove your plant. You should clean the pebbles with water before placing them in the new container. Then carefully add the bamboo plant, taking special care to nest the roots within the pebbles. In fact, you may need to add more pebbles to cover the roots and better support the plant. Now if your bamboo stems grow in a glass vase, then make sure the container is proportional to the height of the bamboo and can support the stems.
Likewise, the water level must be sufficient to completely submerge the roots but not rise above the stems. If you notice that your plant has grown larger than the container, transplanting lucky bamboo is relatively easy. Just choose a clean container that is slightly larger than your current one. Remove the stems from the water and place them in the new container. And refill with water considering the appropriate level.