In today’s article we will talk about a topic that can be of great importance for people who live in a house with two or more floors or for those who want to make renovations inside. These are the images of some modern stairs that we are going to leave you and a series of information that you can use to decorate your interior.
Modern stairs and decorated interiors
The stairs can be of different types and with different accessories, to call them in some way. In reality, the staircase is a constructive element that, made in a correct and appropriate way in relation to the interior, will become a great source of decoration.
To be more specific, we are going to divide the stairs into interiors and exteriors and in this article we will deal with the former. Then, as you know, depending on the material used to make them, these can be of different types. However, in this article we will focus mainly on three construction materials for stairs which are metal, glass and wood.
At the same time, we will also integrate the accessories of this interior decorative element that are quite important to give the final touch to the interior such as the railings, the landings and the shape of the steps.
Types of modern stairs according to their shape
According to the shape of modern interior stairs, we can basically divide them into two groups that are straight stairs and curved stairs. Within each of these categories you will find a series of subcategories that will help you better define the style of your interior. However, we will deal only with the two main categories because for the others it is important to know the construction method that has been followed.
Curved staircases are probably one of the most beautiful interior constructions that we know of in this area, since the oval shapes give a soft touch to the construction and contrast with the straight lines of the walls and the floor. Among these stairs there are many types that you can choose and adjust to your home, such as spiral staircases, semicircles, etc.
In addition, these interior stairs are very good in houses that have higher ceilings, since in this way the construction of the building offers more space to the staircase and its forms. At the same time, you can choose the ladder of the material you want. A little further down we will see in more depth three of the different materials that you can use.
Modern straight stairs in home interiors
Another of the variants in stairs are the straight ones, where there are also several subcategories. At first, these types of stairs are the most used in houses because their construction is easier and, in general, they are attached to the wall with a railing on the free side.
However, the interior stair railing is a very important decorative element that we cannot ignore. You have to bear in mind that this decorative element can have a completely decorative, functional function or its use can combine both terms.
Normally, the railings that are made of glass have a predominantly decorative function because the point of support they offer when climbing is quite uncomfortable. Therefore, it is very possible that these types of stairs have a metal railing on the wall, when they are built close to it.
The basic principles for choosing modern stairs
The truth is, modern indoor stairs can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they are very elegant and encourage the decoration of our house, but on the other hand, they can be a danger if some principles of comfort and protection are not followed.
The basic thing you have to know about them is that regardless of the construction material used or their style, whether they are floating or not, there are a series of measures that will make them more comfortable and safer. The slope of the indoor and outdoor stairs is very important, since if it is excessive they will create a steep slope that will tire us and the descent will be more dangerous.
At the same time, the riser, which is the part of the vertical steps that separates them from each other, must be of a measurement that ranges between 15 and 20 centimeters. In this way, when lifting our feet, we will not trip over the steps nor will we raise our feet excessively.
Creating our modern stairs based on the principles of comfort
Another very important principle is the measurement of the footprint, which is that part of the step on which we support our feet. This has to oscillate around 11 inches to be safe. Otherwise, we run the risk of creating steps that are too wide or too narrow, which in both cases are a danger.
When the steps are too narrow we do not have enough surface to support the soles of our feet. In this way, the ascent will have to be done leaning especially on the toes and the descent will be quite uncomfortable and dangerous, since we will not have space for the front of the foot, which is what provides us with the point of support.
On the other hand, if the steps are wider they will offer us a too large surface that makes both the ascent and the descent uncomfortable.
The principles related to the height of modern stairs
Continuing with the other construction elements, we come to the handrail for interior stairs. The height of this component is also very important and has to be taken into account since it is the surface on which we will place our hand when going up and down.
It is very important that your ground measurement reaches 83 centimeters more or less to avoid that our hand is in a too high or low position, in the best of cases. This decorative element can often be seen hanging on the wall on the stairs that are attached to it.
On the other hand, you also have to take into account the height of the ladder to the ceiling. First of all, the ceiling has to have a sloping position to allow it to maintain the same height throughout the entire flight of the staircase. The ideal measure to avoid head blows should be about 215 centimeters from each step to the ceiling.
Spacious modern stairs that guarantee comfort and safety
Whether interior metal stairs or any other material, the space provided as a corridor is important to avoid claustrophobic environments. Thus, stairs with a width of at least 65 centimeters will guarantee enough space for a smooth going up and down.
In addition, this space will avoid crashes and wait for them when more than one person wants to go up or down. On the other hand, you have to bear in mind that in curved stairs, the width measurement changes, since there is a moment when the circle closes and the space is reduced. Therefore, if you want a spiral staircase, make sure that the space of the staircase is not less than 150 centimeters.
Another important principle that you should not forget is the number of steps. Stairs with more than 15 steps become a source of fatigue. Therefore, if you need more steps to create the unifying area between the different floors, it is best to opt for the landings.
This area will provide you with the rest you need to take during the climb and it is also a place that will help the aesthetics and decoration of your staircase. All these principles are very important and you have to take them into account, since as we have mentioned previously, stairs are a double-edged sword.
Modern stairs and different construction materials
Once you have reached this point, you can choose the material you want and that will best combine with the rest of your interior. A wooden staircase for interiors will illuminate the interior space and will also fill it with naturalness.
Apart from the choice of material, you can also choose the shape and design of the stairs. Today there are some impressive designs that introduce a lot of originality and style into the interior. In this way, you can create unique stairs that will stand out in your home.
On the other hand, the combination of materials in interior iron stairs is also allowed, so you can also take a look at these decoration variants. This combination can be reflected in the railings, in the steps or in the construction of the staircase itself. In this way, a few touches of metal will give a fairly fine finish to the interior.
Next, we are going to leave you with more images of modern and elegant stairs that you can include in the reforms of your home. We hope that the information has been of great help to you and that you ensure the protection and comfort of your family with the principles presented.