On October 31, Halloween is celebrated, which means All Saints’ Eve. Although the tradition of this festival dates back to Celtic cultures, it is through the influence of the United States that it has become known in Spain. Halloween pumpkins, bats, vampires, witches, zombies, a whole world of fantasy and terror arises on Halloween, and we can even “dress” our house with a special decoration. In Espaciohogar we now give you the best ideas for Halloween decoration and so that this year your home is the most terrifying of all. We started!
They are Frankenstein-type stones but scarred and all. In green with black details and yellow eyes, they are stone monsters with a very funny face to decorate your house on Halloween.
Hands that come out of the dark and look like they are going to catch you because they shine. For Halloween they are sensational.
For those of you who like to decorate your house on Halloween, we are going to give you a few ideas for it. We start with the doors since it is the business card of our house. Sometimes having the door decorated is enough, it is not necessary to have anything else decorated.
We are going to show you that with some objects that we can buy or make ourselves we will achieve a terrifying door. Keep reading and you will discover the best ideas to decorate your door.
If the door is black you can choose to put eyes imitating peeping monsters, pumpkins, a hanging skeleton, bats … all these elements are easy to acquire. But if it is of another color they can also look good and put crowns or other elements.
In the following photo gallery, you can see the different types of doors decorated for Halloween and have all the ideas for this year to have the most terrifying house.
To decorate the table on Halloween and surprise your friends and family, you have to be clear about some of the ideas that we propose to make it a fun, original night and your guests have real fear.
You do not need complicated or expensive decorative elements, with pumpkins, candies, and candles you can create the right atmosphere at the table. The most used colors are black, orange, and white.
The tablecloth, napkins, dishes, table decorations, and lighting are also important. One of the most used options is to place white and transparent fabrics on the lamps to give the sensation of ghosts. So that you can see all the examples to decorate the table for Halloween we leave you this gallery with the best ideas for the most terrifying party.
To decorate our house to make the Halloween party, with small decoration details we will achieve that mysterious look where your guests are scared as soon as they arrive home. With the following ideas, you will get the house that is scariest.
Pumpkins cannot be absent, whether they are plastic or real. To achieve a good effect we recommend that you put light on them. They look good in all parts of the house and can be accompanied by other elements. Halloween balloons are very flattering for this party.
The table must be decorated either with elements such as tablecloths, napkins, and crockery. The children’s area is essential because they will be the ones who enjoy it the most tonight. That is why we show you in the following photo gallery all the ideas to decorate the house on Halloween.
Surely you have considered decorating pumpkins for Halloween many times but you don’t know how to do it. The tools you need to do this are a marker or pencil to define the contours, a sturdy spoon to empty the pumpkin, gloves, and cutting tools such as the famous “Carving Sets”.
After having the tools, you just need a little imagination, patience, and skill. We are going to show you some pumpkin design stories so that you can choose the ones you like the most.
For most movie fans we are also going to show you pumpkins decorated with the most important movie characters that you like the most.
It is a fun way to spend time with the little ones in the house and fun and original way to decorate the house. Click on the following gallery and discover the most terrifying ideas of pumpkins with the characters of your favorite movies.
So far the photos of Halloween decorations for 2021. Here are a few tips on how to decorate your home for this Halloween 2021.
Decorating your house for Halloween can be a fun activity, if you have children they can help you. In multi-price stores, you can find endless Halloween decorations, at very cheap prices. Using your imagination you can make fun and terrifying decorations. You have many materials at home and others are easy and cheap to get.
Halloween is a holiday that comes to us from the United States, and that is currently imposed on almost everyone. If you celebrate Halloween you will know that decorating the house properly is absolutely necessary and so that this 2021, your house is the one that is most afraid of, we propose some ideas that are undoubtedly “terrifying” and that are also traditional, such as placing all kinds of pumpkins and decorative elements in which orange is one of the main tones.
Although you are not much of this type of celebration, the truth is that Halloween is a propitious time not only to decorate the home in a terrifying way but we can also bet on the colors and elements of autumn. In this way, a good centerpiece with candles and pumpkins like the one you see in this photo can be a great opportunity to decorate your home without too much ornamentation. You can paint the pumpkins white and also add a candle holder as beautiful as this one, which reminds us of autumn trees without leaves.
Everything that is jars or glass jars can also be used to conveniently decorate the house on Halloween. In this way, you can bet on decorating the empty glass jars with paint, orange, with bandages and eyes, or simply place a candle inside.
The candle holders and candlesticks that you have at home can also be “customized” for the Halloween celebration since in all decoration stores and toy stores you will find items such as plastic spiders, cobwebs, small skulls. Everything to decorate your house properly and in detail in the same way that you do on Halloween.
The truth is that we can find many ideas on the internet and most of them, simple and easy to do by yourself. Look at these pictures with those ghosts. You only take advantage of the glass of a photo frame, to which a ghost is glued or painted in white and then you support it on a shelf that you have decorated for the occasion or for example on the fireplace in the case have one.
We have already seen simple ideas for decorating Halloween 2021, if you want we can focus more on others than we can explain in more detail and that we are sure you will love them.
The white sheets are always and will be a good option in the decoration of terror or decoration for Halloween since we can place them on the furniture or hang them on the walls.
For this decoration, it is better that we have white sheets and that they are old so we can place them on a piece of furniture as ghosts. The tulles can also go on furniture, or hanging from a door. As you can see, it is a simple idea that will allow you to decorate part of the house for Halloween in a matter of seconds.
If you have a garden, a good idea will be to place the sheets hanging and covering a globe to which we can paint a face with black paint. In this way, you can have a decoration as terrifying as the one we see in this photo. The key will be to tear up the sheets a bit so that they look much more terrifying.
Black fabrics can also serve you, covering a table or low furniture. On top, you can place felt pumpkins or those sold in multi-price stores. Hanging from the doorknob Add a plastic glove that you have painted with black or red polish as if it were from an evil being.
On the windows, you can draw bats, spiders, pumpkins. You can cut them out of cardboard and stick them on the windows. Everything that is windows that face the outside or the street will surely capture all the glances of those who pass by like the zombies that we see above. If you paint your windows with artificial snow during Christmas, why not do something similar on Halloween?
In fact, use snow spray (like Christmas spray) and make a cardboard template, and draw bats, spiders, or whatever you like the most. It is very easy to get and with this, you will have practically all the Halloween decorations made.
Another idea: take a piece of tissue paper or a thin black cloth that you can cut as you see in the photo and as if you were making a window frame. Then you can place a candle and some figure like a blackbird. You will see that with few elements and in a simple way, your windows will be ready for Halloween in a matter of minutes.
It is also scary thanks to the bet on black, but you can add other tones such as strips in white or in pumpkin color. You will see what a beautiful combination of colors is formed.
Cellophane paper or green or red patent leather can be fixed on a wall and cut as if it were red or green zombie blood. Also on the curtains or a sofa.
It is also a material that you can place on any furniture, windows with a little adhesive tape and forming strips like a drip and giving it a shape, also as a drop. The best of all is that this type of decoration can also be done with your children.
The cellophane paper can be used to decorate a pumpkin as beautiful as the one we see in the photo. A pumpkin wrapped in cellophane and filled with candies so that your guests can take it as a detail or for you to distribute the sweets among the children.
Ghost garlands. Cardboard cuts strips of 10 cm and folds them on itself. Draw the figure of a ghost and cut it on the folded cardboard, you will get a garland of ghosts. Decorate the eyes and mouth with a black marker.
Pumpkin garland. The same procedure but with orange cardboard, you draw a pumpkin and cut it out on the folded cardboard strip. Then decorate the pumpkins with a black marker.
Halloween spiders garlands. Fat black wool. Cardboard or black patent leather 7 cm strips, fold over on itself. Cut out a circle, once you have the circles you glue them behind with zeal “the spider legs” cutting black wool 3 legs on each side of the circle.
Cut out spiders and bats from black cardboard, pumpkins from orange cardboard, witch hats from purple cardboard, and ghosts from white cardboard. Cut out the figures and then with a marker, make the face of the pumpkins, paint the eyes of the spiders, decorate to your liking.
You need a piece of hard cardboard where you will glue the figures with a thread. You can use a rectangle about 10 cm by 20 cm long, with two pieces of hard cardboard glued together to make a base.
You cut out the figures and make a small hole for them, through the little hole we pass transparent threadlike fishing. Use different size threads so that the figures are at different heights. The threads are fixed to the back of the base with duct tape or tape. You already have Halloween figures to hang anywhere that will give your house a fun look and you can also make them with the children at home. They sure have a lot of fun.
If you want to decorate your house on Halloween as quickly as possible, Amazon offers can always help you since in a couple of days (even less than a day) you can have it comfortably at home and at a great price. Here we leave you the best selection of Amazon offers for Halloween decoration.
The first idea we give you is to get one of the many Halloween garland proposals that Amazon brings us, they are very cheap and immediately help us to achieve that terrifying effect in our home for a special dinner.