An unexpected jump in your electricity bill could be an indicator that your air conditioning unit is no longer operating efficiently, as an air leak requires it to work harder at cooling your home – using more energy in doing so.
Freon leaks are both potentially hazardous to health and costly for your pocketbook, so always seek professional assistance when charging up a leaky air conditioner with sufficient refrigerant.
If you’re having difficulty finding professional HVAC contractors in Arizona, you can click the following link to contact the team of experts at Autumn Air: https://www.callautumn.com/.
1. Increased Energy Bills
People often assume that refrigerant levels in their AC system will decrease over time due to natural wear and tear; however, this is rarely the case.
A decrease in refrigerant usually indicates there is a leak somewhere within its lines or coils, causing extra energy expenditure due to puncture holes or cracks which increase working hours and lead to higher bills for energy usage resulting in additional energy expenses for your household.
Not only may your utility bills rise, but you may also notice your home feels less cool than normal or hear bubbling or hissing noises from your vents – caused by liquid or gas escaping from its lines, depending on its type. These signs should prompt you to call an HVAC technician immediately in order to prevent further problems from developing and understand your options for repair or replacement.
2. Weak or Warm Air
As soon as an air conditioning unit leaks refrigerant, its performance decreases significantly and must be addressed immediately by contacting an HVAC technician. Beware of the symptoms that indicate such leakage.
Signs that weak or warm air is coming out of the vents during a coolant cycle indicate low refrigerant levels, which can cause coils to freeze up because not enough refrigerant has made its way through them.
Your AC is working harder than it needs to be in order to do its basic cooling function, leading to increased energy bills and potentially dangerous use.
Furthermore, running with low refrigerant levels is exceptionally harmful – any leakage of chemicals into the atmosphere could potentially pollute it further and even enter your respiratory system, so finding a trustworthy HVAC technician is essential in finding solutions for both issues and repairs of line sets as soon as possible to ensure no further leakage and damage occurs.
3. Hissing Sound
AC units typically produce some level of noise occasionally; however, certain sounds could indicate more significant problems within your system. Hissing noises from your compressor could indicate low Freon levels, which, over time, could reduce airflow. A hissing sound could also indicate internal valve leaks, refrigerant lines leaking, and other issues within internal lines themselves.
Hissing noises could also be caused by small holes or cracks in your unit caused by wear and tear or physical damage; professionals best repair these issues; larger holes may release refrigerant fumes, which are dangerous to breathe in.
Professionals should deal with any such leak immediately to avoid harm to their home or health from refrigerant gas releases; an AC super sealer will help resolve such an issue effectively.
4. Frozen Condensate
Leakage of refrigerant from your AC system means it must work harder in order to produce cooling effects, driving up energy costs.
One sure sign of refrigerant leakage is frozen condensate. Your condensate line, consisting of a narrow PVC pipe from your evaporator coil to your home drainage system, must allow condensation to escape your system; otherwise, it will accumulate and freeze up in this line, rendering your furnace inoperable.
If your home seems to take longer than expected to cool down, check your thermostat settings and evaporator coil replacement needs as soon as possible, as well as possible AC leakages requiring professional assistance.
Refrigerant leakage can severely affect your cooling system, energy bills, and health. Please resist the temptation to use sealants as quick fixes; they could do more harm than good.
Only an experienced professional should handle refrigerant as any improper handling could lead to chemical burns and frostbite for yourself or others in the vicinity.