If you want to make some awesome Halloween projects that are easy and fun for kids of all ages you should definitely think about making a few funny and scary Halloween ghosts. For this purpose, we will give you here some unique Halloween ghost ideas.
In this way, you can achieve an impressive and spooky ghostly atmosphere in your garden, garage, or even inside the rooms of the house. Ghosts can be used as Halloween decorations both inside and outside. And be careful, these types of decorations are not appropriate for homes with very young children, elderly people with heart problems, or lack of humor.
However, to enjoy Halloween to the fullest, not only costumes, makeup, and pumpkin lanterns are important but also having the appropriate decoration at home and outside of it. And if we ask ourselves what are the perfect decorations for this time of year, we arrive at the obvious answer that these are Halloween ghosts, skulls, and skeletons.
So to create the desired atmosphere we have no choice but to undertake our decoration project seeking inspiration and paying attention to the smallest detail to obtain a result terrifying enough to take the breath of passersby and our guests.
How to make Halloween Ghosts
These creepy ghosts that you can see in the photos are made with a wide variety of materials such as paper, gauze, white sheets, packaging film, and many others. With these materials and a little imagination, various sizes and styles of fearful ghosts can be created. You will also need to use some extra supplies like tape, fishing line, and tools like a knife and scissors that you are probably used to if you like to do different DIY projects.
Easy decoration with floating Halloween ghosts
Long before people started turning their yards into haunted houses and theme parks for Halloween, some of the most ambitious neighborhood decorators would put a scarecrow in their yard or hang white sheet ghosts.
As decorations and item-making skills have become more advanced, the ghosts on the sheets have given way to lighter, wraith-like appearances. Discover the easy way to make your Halloween ghosts float or fly across your patio, porch, or wherever the spirits take you.
DIY Halloween ghosts
Gather your ghostly materials and tools
If you are creative or feeling ambitious, you can create your own ghosts.
What you will need:
Thin and light white fabric that is almost transparent. A cotton sheet or solid white curtains will work, but visit the fabric store and find something that is more transparent. Suggestions: Gauze or cheesecloth that breaks easily is a perfect material for this. Depending on the number of ghosts, you will need at least 6 meters (2 meters + per ghost). Buying more of this material is better and considering that it is quite cheap it is not worth saving on this.
Mannequin head or large round or oval Styrofoam balls – Lightweight is best. The ball head can be replaced with a lightweight plastic skull as well.
Glue gun, tacks, pins, etc.
Shepherd’s hooks or telescopic garden stakes, on which to mount the head or foam ball.
If you want to hang the ghost from a tree, porch, beam, etc., put a bolt on the foam or ball head.
Heavy Duty Glue – Attach the eyebolt to the foam head with a strong glue such as E6000 Heavy Duty Glue.
Fishing ropes: This is for hanging the Halloween ghost heads and fabric.
Scissors, fine wire cutters.
Variant Two: Buy a Ready Ghost
Don’t worry if you don’t have a gift for DIY or enough time to make homemade ghosts. This tutorial focuses more on how to artistically hang or suspend ghosts.
You can save yourself some time and hassle by using pre-made ghosts. The great thing about buying ghosts is that they are all available and ready to go, allowing you to focus on your flight tricks.
Stake ghosts for Halloween
Take out the ground stake (which normally comes with the pre-made ghost). Drive the stake securely into the ground. Doing it at an angle will give your ghost a less rigid and more fluid appearance to simulate movement.
White fabric ghosts for Halloween
If it’s a DIY project, we hope you’ve chosen a fabric that is white, lightweight, and not stiff. A plain white cotton sheet will do, but something more transparent will look more “floaty” and will be easier to assemble. In addition to cheesecloth, rayon or a cotton / synthetic blend would be good fabric choices.
Moving to the right, stretch the fabric to its maximum length, then proceed to place it roughly in the center of your ghost’s round or oval head. You can stick it with a thumbtack, pin, use a glue gun, regular glue, or double-sided tape.
How to sew your ghost
Pass the 5kg fishing line (invisible heavyweight fishing line or nylon thread) through a large embroidery needle. Gently pull the needle through one corner of the fabric a few times, just enough to make a secure knot by pulling lightly. Depending on the height of your top support, you may need a stool or ladder to tie the invisible rope in a secure knot to a tree branch or beam.
Cut the short end of the fishing line/thread close to the fabric.
Unroll the ghost
With the other end still attached to the spool, stretch it up and out toward the top bracket your ghost will hang from. This could be eaves or beam over a porch or a tree branch.
How to adjust the arms of the spirit
To adjust the “arm” of the ghost (corner of the fabric) to the desired level, you will need to play with the spool of the fishing line before cutting and tying it. You may need to raise or lower it before you find the most expressive position.
Tie it tight
Once you’ve found the perfect position for the arm or ghostly trim, tie it securely to the tree branch, eaves, rafter, or other raised support. Tie it in a knot several times to make sure it doesn’t come loose.
At night and from a distance, the fishing wire should be barely visible, giving the illusion of floating ghosts. To separate your ghostly gathering and protect the children and other family members from any close encounters with the invisible fishing line, surround the scene with low fences.
This is exactly the effect you are looking for: ghosts that seem to be floating in the air. It is an exciting, “uplifting” vision, and very easy to achieve.
Halloween ghosts from other materials
If you like this type of crafts and have a developed imagination, you don’t have to limit yourself to making your Halloween ghosts out of white and transparent fabrics. There are also many other materials that can help you create a truly exceptional ghost.
Here we see a ghost made from a clear plastic mannequin that has built-in lights and is lined with packaging film. This is a great Halloween garden decoration idea.
The wire ghost
In the photo below you can see an unreal ghost woven from the white wire. This can be done if you have a roll of wire mesh stored in your garage. With a little effort and mastery, you will get this impressive result.
Halloween ghosts made with balloons
Ghosts are fragile creatures and balloons are too. Balloon ghosts even more so, but on the other hand, they are the easiest to make at home. And children will love drawing their eyes and mouths creating different expressions because each ghost must have its own personality.
And if they are covered with gauze, they become real ghosts that no one would mistake for simple balloons drawn with black marker.
Another easy homemade Halloween ghost idea is this multi-functional garland. All you need is an old white sheet, small balls for the heads, a black fabric marker, and white string to tie them all together. If you want, you can use this same idea to cover a garland of Christmas lights. We assure you that the result will surprise you.
Choir of ghosts made of a garland of lights
Here again, we have a choir of ghosts for Halloween made from a string of lights.
Paper ghosts for Halloween
These harmless and friendly ghosts are suitable for decorating even your baby’s room. The ghost mother with her adorable children can be used for both decoration and play.
Here we see another ghost with a rather friendly rather than fearful expression that is stretching its invisible arms to be hugged.
Creepy Halloween ghosts
If you are a lover of horror movies, you will surely want to have a more spooky Halloween decoration. These Halloween ghosts with glowing eyes and teeth and expressions of terror can live in the nightmares of a more sensitive person for many weeks after the party.
On Halloween, you can see ghosts that we can hardly classify as decorations. Luckily we know they are made of plastic and fabric, although there is always a little doubt when you see something like that. Brrr….
Maybe these mannequin heads aren’t scary if they don’t hang from the ceiling and aren’t covered in ghostly gauze. However, his indifferent expressions can feed anyone’s imagination very well.
It seems that a special party is taking place in this courtyard. The guests are out of this world which does not prevent them from having good fun and causing awe of casual passersby.
Two ghost children sitting on a bench. I don’t know if this image is sweeter than frightening or more frightening than sweet.
Classic Halloween ghosts
There is nothing more classic than a white sheet ghost hanging in the air and moving slightly in the wind. This one does not need eyes or a face to awaken the imagination and make us tremble with fear.
At night, ghosts tend to be more active and shine with their own light to hint that there are other dimensions unknown to humans.
Ghosts in general do not have flesh and bones and are floating silhouettes that appear out of nowhere. Sometimes they can also carry a flashlight to more easily find their victims.
They inhabit the darkest lofts with creaky floors littered with spider webs and other disgusting objects.
The ghost woman is also a classic Halloween theme. Perhaps this is the eternal lover who is crying over the grave of her deceased dear.
However, those who most eagerly await Halloween are children. They’ve been preparing for the big day for months to go “trick or treating” door to door and they deserve to have their own army of little ghosts for Halloween.
As you can see in the photos the ghosts for Halloween can be very varied: prefabricated or DIY, of many different materials such as wire mesh or polystyrene in addition to the traditional gauze and white cotton fabric. Their appearance can also vary greatly from real spooky ghosts worthy of any horror movie to cute decorations for the children’s room. Whatever your favorite ghost, we hope you found inspiration in this article and feel more prepared to decorate your home and garden.