The issue of whether coding is hard to learn has been a subject of numerous debates. However, this uncertainty should not negate the fact that acquiring this skill has its fair share of unique challenges, much like learning a new language. In this instance, the language in question isn’t one spoken by humans, but one used to communicate with machines – the language of coding. From Python and Java to C++ and Swift, these programming languages form the building blocks of the technology we so heavily rely upon today. They’re intricate, precise, and, to a newcomer, can appear incredibly intimidating.
Yet, thousands of students immerse themselves in the world of coding. A world that requires not just learning the syntax and rules of various programming languages, but also understanding and creating algorithms. This process can often be difficult because coding is much less forgiving than human languages. A single missed semicolon or a wrongly placed bracket can result in an error that renders the entire program unworkable. With these challenges in mind, let’s explore the numerous obstacles that you might encounter while learning to code, and discuss potential strategies to overcome them.
Where to start?
The first challenge students encounter in learning coding is where to start. There are so many languages to learn; some are not easy to choose. The most demanding language is HTML, JavaScript, and Python. However, learning these programming languages as a student will help them have a great basis to handle any challenge during coding. Moreover, it will help them have career opportunities in the Nordics. Students should start by throwing away the roadmap concept and focus on what they want to learn. It will allow them to set smaller challenges they can manage, giving them confidence to take on larger ones.
Where to get help?
“I don’t know where I can find help” is another challenge that coding students normally vocalizes. Although this is a valid concern, it is mostly stated by those who do not put in more effort and lack patience. One of the secrets of professional programmers is that Google is their best friend. But, many of them are turning to stalk overflow. Stack Overflow is a great resource for developers. The coding community is happy to help students find answers; all they must do is ask.
Besides, professional services that traditionally assisted students to write research papers have expanded their scope to help students with their coding homework help. Students learning to code can leverage these services to gain insights into complex coding concepts, explained in a clear and concise manner. This support could potentially include code reviews, guidance on best programming practices, or detailed explanations of complex algorithms.
Students want to learn too fast
Learning fast is a trap. Unless students have a fast track of learning, they will probably fail. You have to crawl before you walk. Being motivated to learn coding will help you get through the rough sports, but you can also take it too far. It’s good to remember that they will get there, but students must get all the basics first. When students learn fast, they will complete reading an article in a short time possible. However, by doing this, they will likely skip hard concepts and need more digestion. While speed is important, the amount of information that gets into students’ heads is also important. They need to understand what is going on. The basics will help them build their skills and further build their career.
Trying to understand it all
Learning coding is like learning a new language. At first, the idea of coding can feel abstract, and once students grasp the basics, they will need to start piecing those bits of knowledge into understanding. “There will likely come a time in your learning when you notice things becoming significantly more difficult. These tend to happen when concepts come to play. You have learned the basic building blocks, but now you must assemble them to architect a problem-solving solution. “In my experience, this feels like standing at the bottom of a cliff. It is here that I have felt the most frustration in my learning process.” That is how Jenifer Nordell describes it as a Treehouse, Developer, and Moderator.
However, when students face that overwhelming hurdle, they should remember that developers have been there and overcome it. With patience and dedication to learning, they can grasp knowledge. With trial and error in the coding and algorithm, students might be tinkering with their code and resolving an issue. When that happens, it is important to understand why. They should take time to identify what they did to make it work.
Finding the time
Another common challenge in learning coding is time, especially if it needs to be factored between work, family, and life. There will likely be plenty of time when students don’t want to be in front of their computers to learn during the weekend or after a tiresome day. However, this is when self-disciple comes in. Students need to set learning goals and establish a schedule. Moreover, it is equally important to remind themselves of the end goal and what they can achieve if they persevere and master a new programming language. Programming students can focus on building a passion project if that seems too far away. After completing a few projects in the course book and coding homework, finding a project they are excited about will help them get motivated and engaged in their learning.
The frustration
Frustration is another challenge anyone who has touched coding can relate to. Whether it’s a new concept that one is trying to learn, a hidden error in your coding, or encountered with another issue, frustration can be overwhelming. However, students must confront these coding challenges through their learning periods and development careers. Every time students persevere and solve encountered problems, they will learn something that can help them when they encounter the same problem.
Lack of practice
Practice makes perfect. It is the key to learning and coding. Since the usage of knowledge stored in short-term memory converts it into long-term memory, the only way to combat memory loss is by practicing. If students learn and don’t implement it to see the result, all their effort will be in vain. Most importantly, students who learn and don’t know where to apply will forget. Students should not make practice hard as they think. All they need to do is to make stuff whenever they can. They should practice what they need and nothing more. They can practice at different sites, but they don’t know about them or lack motivation to practice.
Lack of mentors
Lack of mentors is the worst possible problem for a developer with no mentor to guide them through the learning process. It is because the student will not know where they went wrong in their syntax or whether the codes are correct. A lack of mentors can paralyze many because they want to be great developers. One common attribute of a great developer is the ability to write clean and maintainable code. However, writing them without any mentor to correct and inspire you is very hard.
Unleash Your Inner Programmer Today!
Whereas learning to code presents its share of challenges, such as designing complex algorithms, it’s not an insurmountable task. To many students, the journey may seem daunting. However, it’s achievable with the right mindset, resources, and persistence. You too can break free from the fear of the unknown and overcome the coding challenges. Remember, every expert was once a beginner. With a world increasingly dependent on technology, your newfound skills will enhance your personal growth and contribute to shaping our digital future.