From her first job to her short-lived acting career, this is Kourtney Kardashian: Things You Didn’t Know About Her.
This Kardashian sister was born in Los Angeles, California in April 1979; she’s currently thirty-nine years old. Her father was Robert George Kardashian, an attorney who was most well-known for defending OJ Simpson during his infamous trial. But, he passed away from esophageal cancer in September 2003. Her mother is, of course, Kris.
However, her parents got a divorce in 1991, and her mom tied the knot with Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn. After they got married, Kourtney gained more siblings, including Burton, Brody, Brandon, Casey, Kylie, and Kendall. She went to a Roman Catholic high school, called Marymount High, in her hometown. After she received her diploma, she went to Dallas, Texas to enroll at Southern Methodist University, where she stayed for two years. After that, she moved to Tucson, Arizona.
Broken Bone
Although most people only see her graceful side at events and on various red carpets, there was a time when Kourtney wasn’t exactly the most careful person. It was a long, long time ago, however. When she was five years old, she was playing on her swing set when things took a turn for the worse. She fell off and broke her collarbone! But, it looks like things healed just fine.
All of the Kardashians are known nowadays for their glamorous lifestyles; but, they all had to start somewhere, and Kourtney was no exception. Although considering the average person’s introduction to the working world, her first job certainly seems more interesting than most of ours. She began as a movie production assistant and was tasked with the essential roles of yelling “cut!” and “rolling!” during filming.
Public Speaking
You probably would have never guessed that any of the Kardashian-Jenners were afraid of public speaking. But, Kourtney has struggled with this fear her entire life. In October 2016, she interviewed with Today Extra and admitted her problems with stage fright. Kourtney noted regarding her speech at the United Kingdom’s Glamour Women Of The Year awards, “… getting on the stage at the awards and like having to speak… freaks me out.” She added, “I failed two classes in college because I couldn’t give the speech.“
Like we had to do a project at the end and I just wouldn’t show up.” She even admitted that during the awards ceremony she thought, “What if I just run to the bathroom and say, ‘I’m going to the bathroom,’ and really leave. What’s gonna happen to me? Like nothing. I’m not going to go to jail.” Of course, she didn’t actually run and hide in the bathroom. She pulled through and did the speech!
Getting Famous
You might not have known this, but, Kourtney Kardashian started out on television before she and her sisters made it big with Keeping Up with the Kardashians in 2007. Two years before their famous series aired, Kourtney was on the reality show Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive, during which daughters and sons of various celebrities would be taken on a cattle drive to try and live without the luxuries they’d become so accustomed to.
She went on the series to make money for charity. However, she gained the majority of her fame once Kim’s famous tape with Ray J leaked in 2007, four years after it was created. This event is also what probably sparked the popularity of the ongoing Keeping Up show.
Since her degree was earned in the Theatre Arts field, it shouldn’t be shocking that Kourtney always wanted to try her hand at acting. Her dreams came true in March 2011. She played Kassandra Kavanaugh in an episode of the soap opera One Life to Live… see what they did with the ‘Ks’, everyone? She’s a true Kardashian, acting or not. Kourtney was a little concerned while filming the episode and later stated, “I’d thought I’d have two lines. But my script is so long… I’m not an actress.”
There was also a kissing scene that made her feel a bit uncomfortable. Then-lover, Scott Disick, was there to help with smooching practice. But, Kourtney was still a little freaked out. Regarding her on-screen makeout partner, David Fumero, she said, “I looked him up online… I’m like, ‘I need to see this guy. Is he 99 [years old], like what is he?’ And he’s a very handsome guy. So, that makes it easier.” She added, “I probably ate a hundred mints that day. But, I’m still such a prude!”
Another thing you might not have known about Kourtney Kardashian is that she’s pretty superstitious, especially when it comes to traveling. She told People, “When I go on an airplane, it’s right foot first and then I kiss two fingers and touch the plane.
When I take off, I cross two fingers on my right hand and put both my thumbs up.” This sounds pretty strange, but those of you with the fear of flying can probably relate to Kourtney’s ritual. It must get tiring with how much the Kardashians have to travel.
We already mentioned that Kourtney has three children, Mason Dash, Penelope Scotland, and Reign Aston Disick. But, let’s talk a little more about them! When she was pregnant with her first baby, she was only interested in the name “Mason.” She later noted, “The first time I started looking at baby names, Mason was the only one I liked… It was the only one that stuck with me. Right before he was born, I told my aunt we were thinking about going with that for a name. She told me that Mason means the same thing in English that Kardashian means in Armenian – stone worker. Another aunt told me my great uncle used to use the name Mason when he made dinner reservations because Kardashian was too long.“ When I heard that, I thought, ‘Oh my god, it’s meant to be.’” Her other kids’ names were chosen mostly because she thought they were fitting and adorable.