Replacing doors is a labor-intensive process, so another way is often justified: decorate them, radically changing the design.
We talk about the intricacies of transforming doors: preliminary preparation, simple technologies, necessary materials.
You will learn: is it worth it to immediately take on a serious renovation of the door; surface preparation secrets that improve the decoration result; a list of materials that will be needed for different techniques; ways to decorate a door even in the absence of artistic and technical skills; non-standard methods of using familiar materials – paper, paint, dermantine, fabric, mirrors, etc.
Start small before transforming the look of your door beyond recognition. This will help you to understand what color scale and type of image evokes positive emotions and does not get boring. It is always easier to define your desires when there is a starting point in the form of temporary decor. Vinyl stickers, as well as posters, maps, sheets from a music book, pages from vintage books and magazines, fixed on double-sided tape will act as a removable door decoration.
There are vinyl decals that cover the entire door surface. They are easily fixed to the canvas, and if necessary, they can be removed without leaving any traces. Small stickers are suitable for decorating certain areas of the door.
3D door sticker
Textured glass sticker
For residents of apartment buildings, there are few options for temporary decoration of the entrance group. You can decorate the door for the New Year, Easter, Christmas and other significant dates with the help of pendant decor. The most popular option is wreaths of evergreens, dried berries and flowers, burlap, lace, miniature figurines and any cute little things. They are fixed on a round cardboard base with acrylic glue, which, in turn, is fixed on the door with double-sided tape or hung on a loop. Similarly, other volumetric compositions for door decoration are made up, for example, with a square or rectangular shape at the base.
New Year’s wreath creates a festive atmosphere
Decor for a door on a square base
Spring wreath with burlap
Careful preparation of the door may not be necessary if it is new and no major changes are planned. But it is necessary to clean it of dust and dirt in any case. For example, using soapy water. Then the door is degreased with an alcohol solution.
If the door has serious external defects (cracks, peeling paint), then the preparatory stage will take longer. A wooden or metal door is cleaned of old coating in one of three suitable ways. The easiest one is to use a ready-made solvent for varnish and paint, but it has a drawback: an unpleasant odor. Cleaning is carried out in a well ventilated area. Proceed according to the instructions on the package: the solvent is left on the door for 5-20 minutes, then it is cleaned off along with the rest of the paint with a metal spatula. With the same tool, it will turn out to clear the door, preheating the surface with a construction hair dryer. This method requires accuracy: there is a risk of damaging the wooden door. Another option is to eliminate the paint and varnish coating with a cord-brush, a special nozzle for a grinder. The method is noisy, but effective.
Removing paint with a blow dryer and a spatula
If there are chips on the wooden door, then they need to be cleaned with an iron brush, leveled with a putty, and after drying, sanded and covered with primer. It will not be superfluous to treat a metal door with a rust remover. The preparation of doors from chipboard and similar materials is carried out in the same way as wood.
Woodworking putty will fill even deep joints
In order not to spoil the walls and floor, it is better to remove the door from its hinges and work with it in a horizontal position. Cover all surfaces within a radius of 1-1.5 meters with plastic wrap.
Before starting work, make a list of the materials you need: this is how you can decorate the door without stopping, without being distracted by the search for the missing one. At the preparatory stage, depending on the cleaning method, you may need metal spatulas, brushes, paint and rust thinners, primer, a hair dryer, a grinder. The further list is compiled based on the chosen decoration technique. But the basic set for decor includes PVA glue, paint, brushes, acrylic varnish, a hammer, scissors, decorative nails. Stock up on the main consumables: decoupage cards, textiles, wallpaper, mirrors, mosaics … The amount should be 30 – 40% higher than the calculated one.
A reliable and affordable way to decorate entrance and interior doors is to paint it. To update not only the door, but also the interior, pay attention to unusual painting methods: stripes, color-block style, fragments … Color borders are created using masking tape, then paint is applied and carefully peeled off.
Color block painting
Door and wall in a discreet yet expressive range
Bright door as an accent in the interior
Door painting in two colors
Parts of the door painted in different colors, for example, the frame and leaf, vertical and horizontal parts of the leaf, will become another effective solution. And the replacement of the usual neutral tones will be saturated colors: emerald, purple, chocolate, black.
A universal type of paint for interior work is acrylic, and for exterior – water-based latex, alkyd compositions, nitroenamel. The door will need about 1 liter of paint. If you do not want to spend money on different ready-made shades, then purchase pigment dyes and add them to the white composition. Fans of antiquity should take a closer look at the craquelure varnishes: applied to the paint, they form fine cracks.
Black and white doors are versatile
Each door can be painted in a different color
Artistic talent can use a door leaf as a canvas, but what about the rest of the majority? Seek help from your child: his drawings on the door to the nursery will be more than appropriate. To make this idea look not a random event after implementation, take care of ordering the appearance of the door as a whole. For example, a child’s drawing should fit into the borders indicated on the door, match in color with the base tone of the surface. Also, the door, if desired, turns into a chalk board: it is enough to cover it with special paint, and the baby will be able to create new pictures every day.
The door as a canvas for children’s creativity
It is not necessary to completely paste over the door with wallpaper, if we are not talking about photo wallpaper. Partial decor looks interesting: for example, in place of glass or inside decorative strips that frame it. Also on sale there are wall murals for doors, both ready-made and custom-made.
Wallpaper can be used to glue half of the door vertically
It is better to use non-woven or fiberglass wallpaper as a door decor, which are resistant to negative external factors. For fixing on a flat and primed surface, wallpaper glue is suitable, in other cases – PVA. You will also need a plastic spatula for smoothing.
All protruding fittings are removed from the door. The wallpaper is smeared with glue and applied to the door. In the case of non-woven and glass fiber wallpaper, the glue is applied not to them, but to the base. The resulting air bubbles are expelled with a plastic spatula. Make sure there are no drafts in the room until it dries.
Door decorated with wallpaper
Standard types of wallpaper on doors are not the most durable way to decorate, even for interior doors. Bamboo or cork canvases will last much longer. For additional protection, such unusual wallpapers are covered with a layer of varnish.
Decorating a door with colorful textiles is a risky decision if you are unsure of your artistic taste. It is easier for interiors that are close to classic and modern to fit plain textiles, with monochrome prints or textured ones. The best choice would be a dense tapestry.
Make sure that the PVA glue for fixing the fabric on the door will not leave marks. If testing shows otherwise, replace the adhesive with glazing beads or use a furniture stapler. Process the edges of the cut, because the threads sticking out on the door can hardly be called an aesthetic spectacle. The technique of gluing fabric on the door is similar to decoupage.
Translucent fabric on door glass
Patchwork and textiles with large patterns for decoupage
A door decorated with a single piece of fabric will look harmonious if the pattern on the textile is large and expressive. Finding textiles suitable for these criteria, and also fitting it into the interior, is problematic. Therefore, in most cases, small cuts are used to decorate individual parts of the door leaf. Patchwork decor will also be appropriate, especially in country rooms.
Factory-made decorative MDF panels are suitable not only for interior doors, but also for entrance metal doors. There are moisture resistant models that do not fade or deform over time. If the interior or tastes have changed, then the panel can be easily replaced with another one.
Boiserie-type panels are suitable for decorating interior doors: made of wood or polyurethane. Such finishing material imitates marble, textured plaster, bronze, silver … You can create an exclusive interior by combining the same panels for walls and doors. If you have the skills in the field of repair, you will be able to do this decor-finishing yourself, but, as a rule, the work is done by professionals. The panels are attached to the door leaf with self-tapping screws or assembly glue.
Wooden decorative panels
Similarly, parts of decorative panels can be used for decoration
Doors and walls lined with the same panels
Purchasing a ready-made set for upholstery of entrance doors, which are offered in different sizes, is the best solution. It includes: dermantin, foam rubber or isolon, decorative nails, string. The cost of the kit and materials purchased separately does not differ significantly.
Dermantin for interior door decoration
The upholstery of a wooden door is done directly on the canvas, and the metal door is pre-sheathed with plywood on liquid nails. Insulation is laid on the door, fixed with a stapler, then dermantin with a margin of 3-4 cm for hem. All are fixed with nails and tied with a string. A roller filled with padding polyester is attached along the perimeter of the door leaf. It hides the edges of the door, which look messy after upholstery, and acts as a heat and sound insulator.
Dermantine decor of interior doors is permissible, but in this case, you should not insulate the canvas so that it does not look too voluminous.
Manufacturing of rollers
Decorative nails serve as an additional decoration.
The ancient art of decoupage and today will help to decorate any surface, including the door leaf. You will need a 1: 1 mixture of PVA and water, a soft brush, and acrylic varnish. The main material will be decoupage napkins or cards, thin fabric, images on paper, posters, photos: something from which you can cut your favorite motif. It is applied to the surface of the door, smoothed with a brush moistened with PVA solution, from the center to the edges. After drying, the decor is covered with a layer of varnish for preservation.
Paper can also become material for decoupage
Doors with decoupage in the interior
Decoupage is used to decorate any surfaces
A large area does not belong to the merits of the room where the door for decoration is located? Note the self-adhesive acrylic mirror panels. Ordinary thin mirrors are also suitable, which are fixed with liquid nails, special suction cups or double-sided tape. It will take a couple of minutes to secure them to the door leaf. But the advantages of such a functional decor are obvious: in addition to their intended use, mirrors help to visually enlarge the space.
Mirror as a door decoration
Polyurethane moldings act as an additional decoration for an already prepared door surface: for example, painted or covered with decoupage. They advantageously complicate the composition with their volume, without overloading it. With the help of moldings, it will turn out to create a laconic door decor, and lovers of intricate solutions should pay attention to polyurethane stucco molding. For example, sockets painted to match the doors look original. There are also certain types of polyurethane decor for the door: in the form of a portico or a wide strip, which are attached above it.
Painted moldings for door decoration
Door perimeter moldings
Door and wall decorated with the same moldings
Everyone can turn a door into an object of contemporary art without having any technical skills. Collect as many miniature objects as possible, united by a common idea. For example, for a marine composition you will need shells, a rope, sunglasses, pebbles. Glue them to the door with liquid nails, and then paint with the canvas in one color. It is advisable to use spray paint. Consumption for a standard door – 2 spray cans. Preliminary preparation of the door is not necessary: the decor will hide all surface imperfections.
Hanging composition on the door
Door decoration with handles
Paint combines dissimilar elements in a composition
Real stained glass windows built into the door are not a cheap pleasure, requiring an appropriate interior environment. But there is a democratic replacement, moreover, it is created by hand. It is not difficult to draw a stained-glass window on glass, you only need special paints and a metal outline that creates a border between adjacent tones. The task is also simplified by the fact that ready-made sets for stained glass painting are sold in hobby or art stores. If the plot offered in the kit does not suit you, replace it with another one. A simpler option is a film stained-glass window, which is glued to the glass.
Painted door with stained glass painting
Stained glass on the interior door
Film stained glass
If you are fascinated by the transformation of the doors, we recommend that you move on and do the table decor.