Industrial style anything is usually a big hit. It’s easy to achieve, always looks great and is functional, this is especially effective in a kitchen. It’s also a versatile concept that can be tailored to suit individual personal tastes. Part of what makes it such an effective style is the fact that old objects can be transformed into something new, creating a room with a nostalgic atmosphere.
Cement Floor Style
In this kitchen, the floor has been left uncovered, the cement floor receiving only a glossy finish. A vertical garden and wooden cabinet warm up the raw industrial elements such as the uncovered pipes. The matte black kitchen island is an elegant addition, the bright red fittings add a splash of color.
The Kitchen Shelves
The uncovered tubes and industrial pendant lights add the industrial chic, while the kitchen shelves make part of the decor. The yellow panel of wood complements the quilted carpet. A geometric shelf transforms a simple storage space into an integral part of the room’s design.
Kitchen And Room Together
The different wall coverings create an mismatched effect that ties the entire room together, while open shelves, ladders and furniture incorporate industrial style.
Dark Wooden Floors
Colored wooden furniture endow the room with bright and fun colors, while the distressed finish gives it a stylishly vintage look. The dark wooden floors give the room elegance, while the raw wood elements and industrial style lighting add the factory tone.
Colorful Industrial Kitchen
This kitchen is more colorful, the kitchen island a refurbished vintage desk. The exposed brick wall highlights the black shelving.
Vintage Furniture
Light permeates this kitchen from an overhead skylight, framed by thick black metal bars. The room is decorated almost exclusively with vintage furniture. The dark green complement the uncovered brick.
Industrial kitchen cabinets
Wooden beams replace the need for a ceiling, merging the top and bottom floor. Using different shades of grey is an easy way of making the room look industrial. Industrial kitchen cabinets can be made from any cupboard that looks or is old, vintage is always a necessity.
Color and patterns
Color and patterns make for a fun room. The white ceiling allowing the patterned tiles to be an accent feature. The custom tiles allow a lot of space for creativity decoration wise, the pattern is reminiscent of a quilted blanket. The industrial fittings and homely furniture blend two worlds together.
Culinary workshop
The kitchen is the workshop of the house, this designer took that concept and turned it into an industrial masterpiece. The layout of this kitchen is like that of a culinary workshop, literally and figuratively.
Old fashioned workshop
What makes this kitchen unique is the blackboard cupboard doors and ornamental ladder. An old work table has been given a new life in the form of a kitchen island. The entire look gives off the feel of an old fashioned workshop with all the comforts of modern day life. The wood and carpet a major design element.
Darker and more elegant kitchen
A darker and more elegant kitchen, the pendant lights are lowered to create an intimate atmosphere. The dark purple curtains adding depth to the room, with the light flooring opening up the entire space.
Bright Industrial Kitchen
Black piping and ventilation tubes set against a white ceiling create an intriguing contrast. The floor of the kitchen opts for a softer color palette, while the walls are darker. The lighter shades ensure that the space doesn’t look small and cramped, while the darker walls add personality. Bright red furniture contributes a bright spark of color.
Light Wooden Flooring
The light wooden flooring and paneling is faintly similar to the beach. The table looks like a more stylish version of an industrial lunch table.
Hanging Lighting
The lighting looks like converted industrial piping, hanging like vines from the ceiling. Light wooden panels is a warm complement to the stark white.
Organic Elements
This kitchen makes use of organic elements combined with the distressed technique. The industrial lighting is a vintage addition, the yellow image a warm element that brightens the space.
White Industrial Kitchen
White walls and furniture give this room the illusion of space, stenciled diagrams a unique and provocative design. Different shades of wood provide a respite from the white. A unique feature to the room is the swing in place of a bar stool.
Raw Brick – Look
Raw brick and pendant lighting, industrial shelves turn the kitchen into a prime example of a sophisticated industrial kitchen. Patterns in the cabinets create a modern design feature
Slanted ceiling
The slanted ceiling could’ve been a major challenge, but this designer expertly added colors and industrial kitchen components to make the kitchen look big and bright, turning the ceiling into a unique feature.
Modern industrial style
Industrial grade metal sheeting has been used to create an accent wall, creating a more modern industrial style kitchen. Proving that industrial style doesn’t need vintage elements to work. This kitchen is a cutting-edge modern masterpiece.
Black Lamps
Black industrial lamps shed a lot of light over the small space warming up the daring color scheme and raw elements creating a warm atmosphere.